Integrated Corporate Systems

The integrated system in your conference hall (why not in your building as well?) enables you to focus on major for you issues and tasks – a presentation, video-conference, a business meeting or anything else – rather than having to deal with various devices, the number of which is constantly raising on one hand and on the other they tend to become more and more complex. The central controller of the system will run any reiterating technical activities, whereas the commanding interface (whether it is sensitive at touch or it is a common keyboard) will ease your role to just pressing several buttons…

Elegant and uncomplicated!

Here are a few examplary models:

  • Switching on the projector, switching over at the entry of your laptop;
  • Dimming the lighting in the hall, drawing down of curtains or blinds, the electric screen goes down;
  • Automatic start of your presentation sound and video whenever a person enters the hall;
  • Automatic switch off of lighting at exiting the hall
  • Keeping track of costly devices projectors and video displays the system can display for you their position and location in the building at any time. in case any of these are missing, an automatic signal is sent designed at your personal liking…
  • Texting you a message in case any device is not in operational regime
  • A media-server offers the opportunity to control and display the audio-visual contents at or in different localities within the building in real time.

the presence of an integrated system in corporative quarters contributes to the image, saves you and your employees precious time and resources…

Contact us for further information.

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